Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Your Hero's Triumphant Return

The good news is that I got a new job so soon I'll be able to put together a respectable bankroll and start playing in some descent games. I haven't felt the need blog recently because the games I'm playing have been so penny-ante. I probably should mention that I've been free rolling my way up the steps tournaments on Absolute Poker. Now I'm up to like Step 7 I think, which is the $100 step. If I win a Step 10 I'll get the $10,000 seat to the 2011 Main Event, which is pretty much the plan. It would be such an interesting experience to play the biggest game in the world representing a company like Absolute Poker. Having a sponsorship deal is pretty much the best perk a professional poker player can hope to receive. I wouldn't mind being forced to hire an agent. That sounds like one of those good problems. I wonder what Oliver Tse is up to these days?

Honorable mention also goes out to Dawn at the I Had Outs blog for having Anansa and I over for another couple of games. No wins for me, but Anansa took third last time, so there's a small score for the crew. Regardless of results, a good time is perpetually had by all.